Amsterdam Coordinator
Stadsboerderij Osdorp, Pluk! CSA founder, Workshops, Garden Consultations, Tours & Outings
Ann is an agroecologist, urban farmer, educator, beekeeper and worm composter. She studied urban agriculture at the University of Guelph) and at Warmonderhof in the Netherlands, and has a Permaculture Design Certificate from Linder van den Heerik. She was the communications coordinator for the global environmental federation Friends of the Earth International for 16 years before she decided to take the leap into urban agriculture in 2011. In 2017, she co-initiated Pluk!, a self-harvest Community Supported Agriculture farm in Amsterdam that will feed more than 225 families in 2024. In 2023, she took over the coordination of the Stadsboerderij Osdorp garden. She also teaches and coordinates a garden with the women’s empowerment gardening organisation Bloei & Groei and is the community builder at the Amsterdam composting project Afval naar Oogst. Originally from New England, she has lived and gardened in Amsterdam for three decades. She brings a love of coordination and bringing people together to the Cityplot team.
Contact Ann:

Amsterdam Team
Paul was born in a village in the south of the Netherlands (also home to the country’s largest food forest). He played and ran through the fields during his childhood and has never stopped since. One of his primary school teachers involved him in a native garden next to the school and a seed was planted in his soul. After many travels and adventures Paul has settled in Amsterdam, but he continues to engage in his passion for green and the outdoors.
Paul studied education, and has worked with children for many years in every neighbourhood of the city. In addition, he is passionate aboutfood and cooking; he attended cooking school at a young age and worked as a chef. Via that route he got involved in urban farming and forestry projects around Amsterdam. He also loves to build outdoors, and is a member of Saunakaravaan, a community of mobile sauna lovers. He loves how Cityplot unites children with nature so that they can grow, nourish, harvest and prepare food together.

Amsterdam Team
Pluk! CSA
When Eliska read a book on a beach in Sicily about a woman starting a garden in the middle of Dublin, she knew she wanted to know more about growing vegetables. So, in the middle of the pandemic, she followed an online course. Cityplot’s Ann Doherty gave the course, and Eliska became more and more enthusiastic about growing food organically. When she first visited Pluk! at the Fruittuin van West, she knew that this is what she wanted to do in life! Soon after, she became a volunteer and started studying at the Warmonderhof school for biodynamic farming in 2021. There was no question that she wanted to do her internship at Pluk! Before she knew it, she was part of this beautiful community and never wants to leave. These days, she is finishing her studies at Warmonderhof and has started as a farmer at the Boterbloem.

Amsterdam Team
Pluk! CSA
After a long career in contemporary arts, Genevieve made the leap to join Cityplot’s Pluk! CSA farming team in 2022. Many years before, her search for better food production within Amsterdam was what led her to enroll in one of Ann Doherty’s inspiring urban growing workshops via Cityplot. Having a deeper understanding of the nourishing world at our feet fast became a passion, and after several years of involvement in local green projects she joined the Pluk! farming team. Gen currently combines working at Pluk! with regenerative farming studies, with a focus on no-dig farming.

Amsterdam Team
Workshops & Events, Restaurants, Garden Consultations
Amy loves plants, bees and art. Moving from China to San Francisco and then Amsterdam, she used to focus on her career in tech. A few years ago she realized her day job was unfulfilling and wanted to find another way to make a difference. She explored different activities, including taking the Get Down, Get Dirty course from Cityplot and found joy in working with plants and the ecosystem around them. What started with a few indoor plants then expanded to a balcony with peppers and tomatoes. Wanting to grow and explore further, she transformed a backyard of tiles into a year-round fruit and vegetable garden. In parallel, she trained in natural beekeeping and now maintains her own hive. She wants to share her knowledge to help more people discover the joys of growing their own food, the beauty of working and connecting with nature, and sustainable living.
Contact Amy:
Amsterdam team
Workshops, kids
Zoë loves garden-grown veggies, fermentation, and funny walking birds. With a background in design and videography, the curious ways of life have led them to become a chef and educator in Amsterdam. To them, food is a form of art and self-expression. They love experimenting with wild taste combinations using local seasonal foods and making people happy. Focusing on plant-based cuisine, they are part of a collective that organises dinners called 'Kaati Kookt' for the benefit of bees.
Since getting to know the Stadsboerderij Osdorp a few years ago, Zoë has also grown into the role of educator. Being part of a core team of educators at the Stadsboerderij, their workshops connect culinary proficiency with food history and culture.
Throughout the years, Zoë has realised that sustainability, cultural plurality, and circularity have always been central topics in their life. They love to share their passion for food and life with others, and to create beautiful and delicious things together.
Amsterdam Team
Workshops, Events
Born to a family of very conventional tomato and mango farmers in northeastern Australia, Kylie has travelled extensively and lived abroad for the last 14 years. Using her background in media art and youth education, she has developed creative projects and lessons for museums, libraries and schools. Kylie was already busy with worm composting and a humble city windowsill garden when she stumbled across Ann giving a passionate wormshop in Amsterdam’s Westerpark in 2012. Since then, she has followed a number of the Cityplot courses, and the humble windowsill has developed into a thriving and very productive suburban plot complete with chickens. As a green fingered food grower, she loves the buzz she gets empowering people to grow their own. You will find Kylie giving Cityplot workshops in Amsterdam and Baarn.
Contact Kylie:
Amsterdam Team
As a city child, I was allowed to pick ripe strawberries from the neighbours' gardens. The wonder of growing your own vegetables is so beautiful that I want to share it with other urbanites, and especially children. Working in the garden is good for your health, and city people in particular can use some green energy. Connecting people with each other and connecting children with nature gives me a wonderful feeling.
My background is as production leader in film, and my interest is sociology. I use these experiences to organise, to connect, and to help adults and children understand what green and nature can do for them. See, feel, smell, taste.
Contact Jaffie:

Amsterdam Team
Pluk! CSA
Hieke has been with Cityplot as a workshop attendee, a Pluk! harvester, a volunteer and an intern before joining the team of farmers in CSA Pluk! She was educated at the Warmonderhof biodynamic farming school, and during the course she started the second Pluk! farm at the Boterbloem location where she is still part of the team. She loves working together with volunteers and interns, and likes to talk about crops and why we choose small-scale local farming. She is also involved in what is happening in the Lutkemeerpolder, right next to the Pluk! fields, where healthy soil is being destroyed to build distribution centres.

Amsterdam Team
Workshops & Events, Restaurants, Garden Consultations
Alice is an urban grower, digital producer, and experience designer and is part of the workshops, gardens and tours teams at CityPlot. Some years ago, she read that many of us now recognise more brands than plants, so she set out to get to know more plants than brands! She loves getting her hands dirty and growing vegetables, foraging for wild herbs, and creating more wilderness in the city. She enjoys introducing other city dwellers to the everyday magic that exists below our feet, the joy of growing your own food, and reconnecting with the seasons. She also teaches mindfulness meditation, and has found nature can teach us many things when we’re present.

Amsterdam Team
Pluk! CSA
Curious about farming, Dorien went to Sweden to work on small-scale organic farms after her jobs in various social research projects. She learned about growing vegetables, keeping sheep and what a joy it is to work and live on the land with a group of people. Her interest in working towards more local, social and nature-friendly food systems grew, and once back in the Netherlands in 2021 she began her studies at the Warmonderhof. She started her internship at Pluk! and since 2023 is one of the farmers at the Boterbloem location, amidst a wonderful community of fellow farmers, interns, harvesters and volunteers.
Amsterdam team
Mani is a social worker and artist. She studied sculpture at the Fine Arts Academy in India for three years, and over the past eight years she has worked in the Waldorf School in Amsterdam with children between the ages of four and 12.
In 2023, Mani finished the Warmonderhof school for biodynamic farming, which included internships at the Fruittuin van West and De Stadsgroenteboer Community Supported Agriculture project. She became very inspired about biodynamic farming, and developed a small vegetable and flower garden on the Waldorf school's playground in order to share this passion with the children. She is also interested in building sustainable homes, and followed a course on this topic at Stadsboerderij Osdorp. In her free time, Mani practices yoga and does open water swimming four times a week the whole year round in a lake near Amsterdam.
Amsterdam Team
Restaurants, Garden Consultations, Children
Helder Eduardo Dias Pinto is an Amsterdam native of Portuguese descent. From a young age he gathered with his family in the urban gardens of his grandparents and uncle, securing a strong bond with nature. Having explored a variety of creative professions including hairdressing and styling, Helder has returned to his passion – gardening – over the past few years. With his deep knowledge of plant varieties and a creative approach to garden planning, he has enjoyed educating children at school gardens and working alongside other Cityplot members at restaurant gardens. With his strong affinity for growing flowering plants and vegetables, he is keen to continue developing his experiences,
Contact Helder:

Amsterdam Team
Stadsboerderij Osdorp, Kids, Tours & Outings
Although Naomi was born and raised in Amsterdam, as a child she always felt most at home in the polder where she played in the mud with horses and other animals. After high school, she tried to figure out what she found most important by exploring the world. She encountered themes including sustainability and the current conventional agricultural system and decided to dive deeper into these topics by getting a degree in Future Planet Studies at the University of Amsterdam. During this period she really wanted to put her knowledge into practice and get her hands dirty, so she started working in the community vegetable garden at Stadsboerderij Osdorp. It was here that she came in contact with Cityplot. Naomi’s path has taken her from an interest for urban green spaces to a particular fascination for sustainable agriculture. She loves to mesmerize others with the natural wonders that a city such as Amsterdam has to offer.
Amsterdam Team
Pluk! CSA
Coming from a small-farm family background in the Catalan countryside, Edu studied Environmental Science in Barcelona and has been involved for a long time in community urban gardens and local activist grassroots movements. Edu moved to Amsterdam in 2017 and he has been working on different projects, for example at Greenpeace International and at the Knotwilg Organic Farm. Currently he combines the work at Pluk! with a part-time position at ASEED developing a coordination role campaigning against industrial agriculture.

Amsterdam team
Amsterdam native Maaike Soetermans has a practice as a holistic dietician and is passionate about natural health. Nutrition in a broad sense always had her interest; from the health benefits, to where it comes from and how it’s been grown. Her love for agriculture was first sparked during a visit to a biodynamic farm when she was getting her bachelor degree in nutrition. Since then, she has volunteered at different permaculture and regenerative farms; in Belgium, California USA and in the Sinai desert of Egypt. In 2022, Maaike finished her Permaculture Design Course and attended Cityplot’s Get Down Get Dirty (GDGD) training. In 2023 she became a Cityplot member and added a nutritional contribution to the GDGD XL series. She also started at Warmonderhof, studying biodynamic farming. and became an intern at Pluk! @ Fruittuin van West. As a dietician, her expertise lies in the gut microbiome. Maaike is absolutely thrilled by the similarities with the soil microbiome - building healthy soil is the foundation for strong plants and thriving humans. She is very excited to contribute to Cityplot by sharing more on the topic of nutrition.
Contact Maaike:

Amsterdam Team
Pluk! CSA
Ida Simonsen is a farmer at Pluk! Fruittuin, environmental justice activist and coordinator at Toekomstboeren. She loves (re-)connecting people to soils, and is primarily active at the intersection of agroecology, human rights and food system transformation with a focus on democratisation and food sovereignty. Ida holds a Masters degree in human rights and humanitarian action with a focus on social movements and food systems, and was educated in biodynamic farming at Warmonderhof. She has been working in organic community-supported urban agriculture, radical grassroots organising and multilateral negotiations on biodiversity and food governance for a few years.

Amsterdam Team
Stadsboerderij Osdorp, Kids Team Co- Founder, Garden Consultations, Workshops & Events
Eva is an educator, loves herb gardens and designs and builds edible gardens. She is also an artist and works as a pen & ink illustrator.
Born in Amsterdam she lived in Barcelona and London for 12 years, enjoying big city life, working in fashion and film. She returned to Amsterdam to study art and started surfing. Through her love for surfing, she rediscovered a long forgotten love for the outdoors and as her practices in art & yoga developed she started taking more of an interest in the provenance of food as well as sustainability.
After meeting the Cityplot collective on a children's refugee project she was drawn in, and formally joined the collective in 2018. She ran the biketour team, got a Permaculture Design Certificate and was part of the initial Kids team, greening schoolyards with edible gardens and weekly lessons.
Since then she has stayed active in the Kids team, teaching the next generation about growing food in more schools, worked on several community projects at the Stadsboerderij Osdorp, and now coordinates the herb garden there. She also enjoys giving workshops and organising events for adults and gets into garden design & maintenance. You might still catch her giving a few urban farming bike tours each year.
Contact Eva:

Amsterdam Team
Marye is a garden coach and budding urban farmer. The farm-to-table movement is in her roots. She spent the summers of her youth in rural Georgia next to her grandmother, stringing green beans, canning peaches and frying green tomatoes out of her Granny’s backyard. She began her horticulture career with Cityplot trainings, including the course Get Down, Get Dirty.
As a member of the Cityplot collective, Marye focuses on sustainability from the ground up—providing children’s education, season-long gardening courses and workshops, as well as garden consultations. She has a particular interest in "hyper-local" urban agriculture, participating in several community gardens and helping convert the neighborhood schoolyard into a sustainable green space.
Marye earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Old Dominion University and a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center.

Amsterdam Team
Pluk! CSA
Marie-José has just finished her studies at the Warmonderhof and is very happy that she can work with Pluk! to create a wonderful place together and grow beautiful vegetables in a sustainable way. It's great to be outside, enjoying the carrots that are coming up, the spoonbill that flies over, the cabbages that look lovely in a freshly weeded bed, and wondering what kind of beautiful beetle is walking around.
She lives in Landsmeer, together with her partner Gijs and daughters Milou and Amber.

Amsterdam team
Pluk! CSA
Rik was born and raised in Amsterdam. He has a background in computer science. After watching the movie “The Biggest Little Farm”, he checked their website and found a link to the Fruittuin van West. When visiting the Fruittuin he met Farmer Annie and asked if he could help at the Pluk! CSA. After a year of volunteering, he did the Warmonderhof school for biodynamic farming while doing his internship at Pluk!. He helps every year with children’s activities at Reclaim the Seeds, and officially joined the Cityplot team in 2024.

Amsterdam team
Workshops, Garden Consultations
From Paris fashion PR to the fertile ground of permaculture, Sylvia traded psychological marketing tricks for a mission to reveal nature's abundant wisdom.
Inspired by her experiences at regenerative projects in Portugal and a transformative course in syntropic agroforestry with Ernst Götsch, she discovered her true calling. Sylvia embraced the permaculture principle that "the problem is the solution," and turned the challenges of urban living into opportunities for growth—quite literally. Her small city garden in Haarlem became a canvas for vertical gardening and roof cultivation, demonstrating that food production knows no spatial boundaries. Passionate about preserving heirloom varieties and reimagining food systems, Sylvia facilitates gardening workshops and tasting events that inspire others to see food as a deeply personal and collective experience. She collaborates with chefs to create immersive experiences that tell the story of local, seasonal and nutritious produce.
From creating bespoke edible landscapes for hospitality and corporate spaces to community garden initiatives, she invites us to reimagine our relationship with food and nature that reconnects us with life's fundamental cycles.

Berlin Coordinator
Workshops, Gardens, Garden Consultations & Permaculture Planning
Leonie has a background in architecture, the fine arts and permaculture. Since having left her family’s off-grid homestead and extensive garden in small-town South Australia, she has lived amongst the urban populations of Australia, Germany, the US and the Netherlands. Her theoretical research in restoration ecology in the cultural sector, undertaken as part of studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, triggered her to initiate Cityplot in 2007. She co-coordinates the workshop programme and gardens in Berlin.
Leonie has many years of experience teaching and consulting in multiple facets of permaculture: food growing systems; community building and social systems; architecture, urban and landscape planning; natural building and construction with upcycled materials; nature connections and spiritual ecology; holistic and regenerative practices on all levels; and beyond. Life coming full-cycle, step-by-step she nears a self-sufficient lifestyle and delves ever deeper into the worlds of ethnobotany and deep ecology.
Leonie strongly believes that there is not a problem, which cannot be solved through tapping into the heartbeat of the Earth - and that even the smallest of garden plots will help get you there!
Contact Leonie:
Berlin Team
Workshops, Culinary nutrition
Delia is a Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert originally from Toronto, Canada and currently living in Berlin, Germany. She has a degree in Urban Planning and a master’s in Public Policy, and has worked on improving the environments around her, with the goal of making communities more liveable and sustainable. Delia’s passion for good food and her journey into the world of culinary nutrition stems from the emphasis on delicious homemade food in her Italian family, and the effects of food in her personal health struggles. Becoming a Culinary Nutrition Expert has given her a deeper understanding of the connection between food and the power it has to help build health, as well as to destroy it. She uses her expertise to demonstrate how to prepare delicious food which is healthy, seasonal and easy to make. Sharing knowledge on the health benefits of the foods we use plays an important part in the process. She believes that learning about where our food comes from, how it’s grown, prepared and consumed are all integral to building our health.
Delia’s approach is informative and fun! It’s all about learning and cooking together. It’s hands-on -combining wholesome food and simple know-how with a whole lot of good energy, and the passion to pass it on!
Contact Delia:
Sweden TEAM

Sweden Team & Online Coordinator
Workshops, Restaurants, Children, Garden Consultations
Born and brought up in India, Suzanne grew up surrounded by the intensive cultivation practiced in Kerala kitchen gardens and soaked up the interdependencies inherent in holistic, organic agriculture. She also spent what we now call ‘a free range childhood’ in one of the most biodiverse regions of the world, the western ghats of southern India, roaming around the hills.
She studied art and design in Bombay, and worked in publishing in Dubai and marketing in Toronto. In Toronto she rediscovered her calling by growing vegetables in the backyard, learning about composting, and working in local farmer’s markets.
She did her permaculture training with Patrick Whitefield in England and has experiments with self-sufficiency in her allotment garden in the Netherlands.
In Amsterdam, Suzanne joined Cityplot in 2012. She taught worm composting and the Get Down Get Dirty year course in urban edible gardening and coordinated community and restaurant gardens. Over the last three years she was intensely involved with the Stadsboerderij Moestuin community, producing organic fruits and vegetables for Amsterdam’s New West neighbourhood.
She now lives in the south of Sweden in a village surrounded by small farms, lakes and forests and is once again pursuing the dream of growing a self-sufficient, closed loop permaculture garden. Suzanne intends to become actively involved in her local community and to provide garden consultations and workshops, both online and in person.
Contact Suzanne:

Belgium Team Coordinator
Workshops, Tours and outings
Giulia is a professional ecologist and nature guide in the Netherlands and Belgium. She graduated in Forestry and Environmental Science at the University of Padua (Italy), and since 2016 she has organized hiking tours for locals and expats. During the summer months, she is outside at night searching for bats with her bat detector.
Giulia organizes and facilitates different kind of activities in nature such as workshops about wildlife (mainly bats and wolves), nocturnal walks looking for bats and listening to their calls and hiking experiences for whoever wants to meet new people while exploring the countryside and learning more about our natural world. "Spending time in nature regularly is an essential component of health and psychological resiliency" (David Suzuki).
Contact Giulia:
Life has taken Julia to farm life! Cityplot Barcelona is therefore currently inactive.

Barcelona Friend
Workshops & Garden consultations
Born in Barcelona, Júlia is our most Mediterranean Cityplotter.
Her love story with permaculture began in 2012, when she was living in a rural community in southern Spain.
In 2014 she returned to the city, Berlin, and there she deepened her training, attending Cityplot's annual Urban Permaculture course with Leonie Woidt-Wallisser.
Since then, Júlia has been working as a designer and consultant for urban gardens in Berlin and Barcelona.
During these years, she has also worked temporarily as a farmer in several farms and ecovillages in Denmark, Latin America, Morocco and Spain as well as coordinator of our Pluk! CSA in Amsterdam.
Júlia obtained her PDC at the Institut de Permacultura Montsant in 2017 and is currently also part of the teaching team of the online master program "Design for Sustainability" at Gaia Education.
Contact Júlia:
Amsterdam Friend
Sofie was born in a city in the South of the Netherlands, but played in the forest and among edible plants while growing up. She studied international relations and sustainable development. Her hunger for the culture and nature in other countries has brought her to South America, the Middle East and Africa. She completed her Masters in Sustainable Development in South Africa. She previously worked as a coordinator for the IMC Weekendschool, a programme for children in underprivileged neighbourhoods to help them gain trust and motivation for future careers. With Cityplot, she combines her passion for sustainable food with education and children. She loves to see children falling in love with chickens, and to collaborate in a team to get work done at the Pluk! farm. Besides Cityplot, she is involved in project management and consultancy around sustainability. Sofie is currently on a sabbatical from Cityplot.
Contact Sofie:

Amsterdam Friend
Iwan is a garden designer and soil enthusiast. He strongly believes that healthy soil is humanity's most precious resource. His goal and passion are to help people learn good soil practices and reconnect with nature.
His professional experiences have been shaped by travel and encounters, with
a certificate in Permaculture Design from Terra Alta (Portugal) and work on permaculture and organic mushroom farms in the Azores. Sustainability consultant during the week, designer and green thumb during the weekends, he enjoys making terrariums and designing urban gardens using native species following permaculture principles.
He now wishes to share his knowledge and experience through workshops and meetings with nature lovers. Iwan knows that soils are under pressure worldwide and believes that through collaboration, exchanges, and contributions from everyone, it is possible to build a greener world. Iwan is currently on a sabbatical from Cityplot.
Berlin Friend
Leila has grown up surrounded by fresh food grown on site and living lightly on the Earth. Even as a ten-year-old she managed to step in for her mother and successfully troubleshoot for a Cityplot consultation. Currently amidst her studies in Graphic Design, she supports Cityplot with her talents – whilst encouraging her fellow workmates to steer clear of disposable coffee cups!
Contact Leila:
Amsterdam Friend
Sameena is a nature lover with a green beating heart. She grew up in Pakistan and Kenya, and she now lives during the growing season in her mother’s birth city of Amsterdam. She studied fine arts and social/cultural anthropology, and has traveled around South America and Europe gardening and doing natural building in eco-communities. She has worked and volunteered on different aspects of the food chain, from source to plate, on organic farms, in restaurants, and in shops. She got her Permaculture Design Certificate in Bulgaria, has knowledge about wild herbs, and is a natural beekeeper. She is also involved in many different community garden projects, and give workshops on nature and gardening to adults and children. Her goal is to promote healthy and sustainable living, and to help the regrowth of nature in the city. Sameena is currently on a sabbatical from Cityplot.
Contact Sameena:

Amsterdam Friend
Jasper is an innovative culinary artist and urban ecologist who has redefined the intersection of gastronomy and green urban living in Amsterdam. With a foundation in elite culinary arts, honed in the kitchens of globally renowned Michelin-starred restaurants, Jasper transitioned his focus towards sustainable urban agriculture and bio-artistry. Within Cityplot, he champions urban sustainability through engaging foraging tours and the creation of living willow structures, fostering a deeper connection between city residents and their natural environment.
You can follow him on @thatweirdplantguy and his website.

Amsterdam Friend
Kids team, workshops
Marijn has been interested in every aspect of nature since a young age. His house is a home for many types of plants and animals. Learning how ecosystems function and all the life that keeps it in balance is his biggest passion. The tiny roof garden is just as interesting as a huge forest for him. After travelling around the world and studying applied biology, he realised that teaching and sharing this love for nature was his main goal. While working at the Fruittuin van West, he got in contact with Cityplot and has been teaching nature and garden education ever since.

International Friend
Allan brings a strong business acumen to the table, whilst coming from a humanitarian angle. Having started life in Africa, where the air was clean and the horizon far away, he would like to see city dwellers enjoying the basics of what he once took so much for granted. Nowadays, his ideal working role combines his engineering, business and sales skills with his emotions. Being part of something new that is based on good ethical and moral standards make his heart sing! Combining strong interpersonal relationship skills with excellent administrative ability, Allan’s role within Cityplot is focused on the business interactions required for the success and growth of the overall vision.
Contact Allan:

Amsterdam Friend
While studying Political Science in Amsterdam, Rosa got sidetracked by an obsession to grow her own food. After doing her thesis on civilian food production and an internship in a community garden in Amsterdam, she did a Permaculture year course in 2013. Years followed in which she started a community garden in the centre of Amsterdam (now 'Shaffy's tuin') and tried to get as much practical and theoretical experience as she could. Among other things she did internships and courses with the Portuguese Permaculturist Helder Valente, Balkan Ecology Project in Bulgaria, the Field from Plants for a Future and Schumacher College in the UK. She has been teaching and gardening professionally since 2015 but went full time with her company 'Boerenverstand' in 2018 and since has worked as a garden coach at the healing gardens of Bloei & Groei, as a garden butler at Mijn Stadstuin and has been teaching, writing about, designing and implementing many edible gardens. The largest one is a food forest of 0,6 hectares. She was also a proud member of the Cityplot Collective for five years. Now she is in Greece to fulfill her dream of living a self-sufficient life in nature, and while doing so trying to inspire others to do the same.
You can contact her at:, find her website at, or check out her blog about the trip at

Amsterdam Friend
Annelies was born and raised in Amsterdam but has always had a fascination for the natural world. She studied and taught biology in different countries, while spending most of her free time on organic farms. She was a student at Warmonderhof in 2013-2014 and around the same time joined Ann at the urban farming collective Cityplot to teach workshops. Becoming an organic farmer is a dream come true for Annelies. She loves to be part of a community of people who understand that nothing is more important in life than access to healthy food.
Contact Annelies:
Amsterdam Friend
Born and raised in France, Marie’s early connection with nature lead her to study agriculture and food engineering in France and in Brazil. Her first job as organic auditor in Brazil gave her unique and unforgettable opportunities to meet and connect with local producers. She became inspired by their beautiful farms, and started gardening to get fresh ingredients for her kitchen. After moving to Amsterdam to work for an NGO, she reached a point where she felt like she was giving all of her energy to the office. But when she started helping a local with her garden, she noticed how energised and happy she felt with her hands in the earth. In 2015, Marie did a course to be an agroecology trainer at Terre et Humanisme in France, and started to work in community gardens as part of an internship with Cityplot. Since then, she has been practicing and improving her skills in her allotment garden, where she aims to be self sufficient someday. Starting in 2018, in addition to her freelance work as a fair trade auditor, she will be regularly involved in various Cityplot activities.
Contact Marie:
Amsterdam Friend
Cato’s interest in everything green sprouted a few years ago while attending a series of workshops, co-hosted by Cityplot, for students interested in learning more about sustainable living. After a year of traveling in South America and working on several farms and in eco villages, she came back to the Netherlands to study Urban Agriculture at Warmonderhof. She is currently working on the educational program for children at the Fruittuin van West and schools in Amsterdam, organizing children’s birthday parties in the orchard and hosting workshops. Her goal is to help children and young adults experience and learn from the beauty of nature in both rural and urban areas. Cato is currently on a sabbatical from Cityplot.
Contact Cato:
Amsterdam Friend
Fatema grew up in the concrete jungle of Mumbai, India but has always had an affinity for trees. She was born an ecofeminist and trained as an industrial engineer specialised in environment and resource management. Based in Amsterdam, she is enthusiastic about eating local, seasonal, whole plant-based foods and closing the loop in our food cycle. She has an experimental balcony garden and manages a community worm hotel in Amsterdam. Get in touch if you are interested in learning more about plant- based diets or using common herbs for culinary and medicinal purposes.
Contact Fatema:
Amsterdam Friend
Chair of the Cityplot Foundation Board, Pluk! CSA
A food-loving environmentalist, Henriette is passionate about everything related to changing the current food system: from growing food more locally and sustainably, to preparing food with minimal environmental impact. A biologist by training, she discovered her love for gardening in one of Cityplot’s community gardens in Amsterdam. She is working on environmental topics in a sustainability certification organisation, and spends most of her free time either producing (as in farming the vegetables) or preparing vegetarian/vegan food for different causes. Henriette is active in the Pluk! Groenten van West CSA project, and is the Chair of the Cityplot Foundation Board.
Contact Henriette: